Dear Students

Dear Students,

Number one, thank you, for letting us be a part of your practice.

A few very important considerations for you to think about concerning OUR practice together.  We know we live in a slow-moving, free-flowing community, and how lucky are we?  So, here we go… Yoga is a discipline!  Please do your best to come to class on time.  This demonstrates your sincereness to the practice, your classmates, the teachers, and YOURSELF!  We know that there are always uncontrollable variables that come with the journey to the mat.  We respect that those things happen when we least expect it.  But the variables that ARE controllable by your choices, please consider this in your journey to class.  It is selfish towards those who make the effort to come on time.  It is disruptive towards the class.  Sometimes, it is unsafe for your body!  So if you are that person who is generally running a few minutes behind, make your practice be the one thing that keeps you ahead of schedule.  It is amazing what a difference it will make on and off of your mat.   Please know the door will always open, there is always a space for you.

This also comes along with general rules of understanding and respect.  Please understand this is what many of us do for a living.  The donation-based classes are available to make sure that our classes are financially accessible to all.  Without your donations this would not be possible.  Your donations also help to cover rent at the Sunset Beach Recreation Center.  The simplest story we can relate this to is… someone say living in an ashram or temple or more traditional yoga setting, may teach these classes and not ask for money.  This person is in turn supported by their community with food, shelter, and other basic needs.  In our exchange of services a monetary donation is preferred, but please talk to the teacher if this is not possible.  There is always an option for an exchange of services, an exchange of energy.  Please know you will never be turned away due to lack of dollars in your pocket.

Lastly, demonstrate your respect and listen to your body and the teacher’s instructions.  Always notify your teacher if you are new or injured.  If you have a more advanced practice and come to a Level 1 class, please keep it a Level 1 practice.  This keeps the class SAFE, which is our #1 priority.  If a brand new student sees you doing something that we did not instruct and attempts it, that student could hurt themselves and it distracts them.  This also goes, if you are brand new or injured and push yourself because you see someone doing something you shouldn’t be doing, you are only hurting yourself, and jeopardizing us as teachers.

Thank you for reading.  We cherish the student-teacher relationships that we have established and look forward to creating new ones.

Mahalo & Namaste,

Paumalu Yoga

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